Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Edward L. Bernays Edward L. Bernays 5 days ago Hey, I am a Diagnosed Chronic Schizophrenic since 1969, I was in & out of Mental State Hospitals until 1990. I have been on S.S.I. since 1977. I used to love crazy conspiracy's and collected a Huge Yahoo Groups on the original online community with Tonnes of Insane Stuff, lots from Short Wave Radio Nuts, and in 2022 Short Wave Stations have not changed it's all nuts and bigots, I had severe ideas of references, agoraphobia, and was afraid to go outside, but Now, age 74, I am severely Agoraphobic again Because of Covid-19 and in my Senior Housing we still have people dying ..Saturday the 6th, 4 days ago a lady I known dies of Covid-19. She lived upstairs. @ TheSneezingMonkey · 5 days ago Hey Edward. Thanks for sharing your incredible story. I'm so sorry to hear about the lady you knew dying from Covid-19 recently. It's a miserable disease and I hope we can develop a functioning medicine for it soon and just move on. Also, I find your story very fascinating. You got diagnosed with this awful illness in a time when very little was actually known about it. It must have been a wild journey through all those mental hospitals and various treatments that I'm sure you were exposed to.'re still here! And that's amazing! I'm so happy to get comments like yours, because they show that despite all the uncertainty, the fear, the wild can pull through. And find your way to live with it. I think your story should give hope to many others. I also sympathised with a lot of conspiracy content in the early 2000's. I watched every documentary and dove into every story I could find. But nowadays, it's reached another level. Like you say...a lot of it is bigoted content and many people seem to struggle to differentiate what's real from what's just a 'good story'. Absurd and 'disconnected from reality conspiracies' have found their way into our every day life. And the comments under these videos illustrate that. But you seem like a really lovely guy who is able to see through a lot of it. So I hope you'll keep your head up high and get many more happy years to live through! I wish you all the best Edward! You're a great role model...Take care of yourself and those around you.

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